Can I use Community Editions of JetBrains IDEs for developing commercial proprietary software?

Yes, both IntelliJ IDEA Community Edition and PyCharm Community Edition IDEs (Community IDEs) can be used for developing proprietary and commercial software.


The only exceptions are related to creating derivative products or commercializing the Community IDEs.


Standard distributions of JetBrains Community IDEs bundle some JetBrains proprietary plugins (full list) to allow out-of-the-box integration with other JetBrains products. If you are creating derivative products or commercializing the Community IDEs, please check the corresponding licenses of the proprietary plugins.


Both IntelliJ IDEA Community Edition and PyCharm Community Edition codebases and most of their bundled plugins are open-source, licensed under Apache 2.0. You can see the license details here.


See the full IntelliJ IDEA Community Edition and PyCharm Community Edition IDEs terms of use

Please reach out to if you have any questions.

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