Change or remove a payment method used for automatic renewals

To change or remove the payment method used to auto-renew your JetBrains subscriptions, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to your JetBrains Account.
  2. In the menu on the left, click Payment Methods.

  3. Find the payment method you want to replace or remove and click Remove credit card or Remove PayPal, depending on which method you're removing. 
  4. If you want to replace this payment method with a different one, select Replace the removed card with a new payment method in the confirmation dialog.
  5. If you're replacing your payment method, choose from your saved ones or add a new card. If you're just removing this payment method, skip this step.

  6. Click Confirm.

If you've replaced your payment method, the new one will be used for future auto-renewals. If you removed a payment method without adding a new one, see how it may affect your active JetBrains subscriptions






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