Licensing and Purchasing FAQ
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Licensing and Purchasing FAQ
Administrator guide
Administrator guide
Roles and permissions
Administrator and user roles in JetBrains Account
Contacts in JetBrains Account
Required permissions to activate your on-premises team tool license
Authorizing another person in your organization to activate your on-premises team tool licenses
Assigning and revoking licenses
Assigning commercial licenses to users manually
Assigning commercial licenses with bulk invitations
Assigning commercial licenses from the license certificate email
Revoking licenses from users
Why are users' names hidden in the list of assigned licenses?
Subscription management
Removing a payment method linked to active subscriptions or services
Cancel a commercial subscription
Change a credit card used for auto renewals
How do I enable or disable automatic renewal for commercial subscriptions?
What is a Subscription Pack?
Subscription renewal reminders for organizations
Using teams
What are teams in JetBrains Account?
What is the difference between a team profile and an organization profile?
Create a new team
Merging teams
Transfer licenses between teams
Add or remove team administrators
Managing organization profiles
Verified domains in your organization profile
Merging organization profiles
Add an administrator to an organization profile
Remove Administrator from an organization profile